10 Reasons Why Endurance Athletes Don’t Reach Their Peak Potential

10 Reasons Why Endurance Athletes Don’t Reach Their Peak Potential

There are many reasons why an endurance athlete may not reach their peak potential. This article attempts to provide an overview of some of the more common reasons many individuals struggle to achieve their best. Each list item will include the reason, an explanation, and a link to more detailed information on the topic.

Endurance Athletes: Why You NEED To Know Your Training Zones

Endurance Athletes: Why You NEED To Know Your Training Zones

Training zones can be expressed in a number of formats and in a number of variations. Some people prescribe 3 zones, others 5, 6, 9 or even 11 zones. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how many zones you use, as long as you know what adaptation(s) each zone is aiming to achieve.

Recovery: The Forgotten Ingredient in the Recipe for Success - Part 2

Recovery: The Forgotten Ingredient in the Recipe for Success - Part 2

Last week we spoke about the importance of following a structured and progressive periodised training program in order to ensure our training load is appropriate for adaptation to occur rather than to experience excessive fatigue and injury. This week we are discussing the physiological and nutritional recovery practices we can use in order to reduce the time required in between sessions and get back to full freshness quicker.