Endurance Athletes: Why You NEED To Know Your Training Zones

Endurance Athletes: Why You NEED To Know Your Training Zones

Training zones can be expressed in a number of formats and in a number of variations. Some people prescribe 3 zones, others 5, 6, 9 or even 11 zones. At the end of the day, it doesn’t really matter how many zones you use, as long as you know what adaptation(s) each zone is aiming to achieve.

Maximising Functional Capacity: Delay Your Lactate Inflection Point

Maximising Functional Capacity: Delay Your Lactate Inflection Point

We've discussed how to maximise your aerobic engine, but how can we now functionally perform at this power? Your Lactate Inflection Point (LIP) is the exercise intensity at which your body produces lactate at the exact same rate as it can remove it, with any slight increases in exercise intensity causing an exponential rise in blood lactate and subsequent fatigue.