Recovery: The Forgotten Ingredient in the Recipe for Success - Part 2

Recovery: The Forgotten Ingredient in the Recipe for Success - Part 2

Last week we spoke about the importance of following a structured and progressive periodised training program in order to ensure our training load is appropriate for adaptation to occur rather than to experience excessive fatigue and injury. This week we are discussing the physiological and nutritional recovery practices we can use in order to reduce the time required in between sessions and get back to full freshness quicker.

Endurance Sports Nutrition: Are High Carb or High Fat Diets Better? Delving into the Science...

Endurance Sports Nutrition: Are High Carb or High Fat Diets Better? Delving into the Science...

The following article will cover the current nutritional recommendations for endurance sports.

There is a growing theory that we will become a "metabolically efficient" athlete if we starve ourselves of carbohydrates (CHO) by eating a diet high in fat and low in CHO. This theory is based around that if we only have fat available to use for energy, our bodies will adapt and utilise more of this for energy production.