Why Is VO2 Max Testing Important?
What Is VO2 Max Testing?
EVERY training session should have a specific fitness goal, and subsequent sessions should gradually build towards a desired fitness outcome. Too many ‘professionals’ in the industry have a complete lack of knowledge when it comes to interval training. They prescribe something along the lines of 1km track repeats with 1 minute rest, repeated 5 times, with no understanding of what this session is trying to achieve, other than it being a “solid workout”.
Why 1km Repeats with Short Rest is a Misguided Interval Set: An Introduction into Work:Rest Ratios.
EVERY training session should have a specific fitness goal, and subsequent sessions should gradually build towards a desired fitness outcome. Too many ‘professionals’ in the industry have a complete lack of knowledge when it comes to interval training. They prescribe something along the lines of 1km track repeats with 1 minute rest, repeated 5 times, with no understanding of what this session is trying to achieve, other than it being a “solid workout”.